About Us

The notion Of epoch making plan of establishing J.C.International Public School Gayatri Nagar, kunraghat, Gorakhpur In Such an open and manned check post to deny unauthorized entry of any undesirable trespasser, was conceived initially by the founder of NEENA Thapa Suhas ITI, Gorakhpur Late Rajesh Kumar Srivastava.

The school is totally free from environmental pollution. Because of its close proximity to the Temple complex area, a serene atmosphere prevails taking one into a blissful meditative mood. To best challenge them, our complete faculty spends time in knowing the students.

We strongly believe that our students love to learn and prosper when challenged. The school has modern laboratories for conducting practical's in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Home Science and Computers. It has well stocked libraries with excellent reading rooms.

Thought Of the day

Be so busy improving yourself so that you will have no time to criticize others.

Principal's Message

In this 21st century, a new society is evolving where knowledge is the major production resource instead of capital and labor. The knack to create and uphold the knowledge infrastructure to improve skills, to upsurge productivity through the exploitation of progress in different fields will be the vital factors in deciding the opulence of the society. Precisely understanding the future requirements, J C INTERNATION SCHOOL in GORAKHPUR, have been established where creativeness of each child will be allowed to bloom.

“Goal of mankind is Knowledge”. To accomplish the goal one should select a good career and it is possible only through a good educational institution.

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